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Bank management & financial services /

Rose, Peter S.

Bank management & financial services / Peter S. Rose, Sylvia C. Hudgins. - 9th ed. - New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, c2013. - xxvi, 740 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction to banking and financial services --
Financial statements and financial-firm performance --
Tools for managing and hedging against risk --
Managing investment portfolios and liquidity positions for financial firms --
Managing sources of funds for a financial firm --
Providing loans to businesses and consumers --
Managing the future in a global marketplace. TOC

'Bank Management & Financial Services' is designed to help students master established management principles and to confront the perplexing issues of risk, regulation, technology, and competition that bankers and other financial-service managers see as their greatest challenges for the present and future.

9780071326421 9780078034671 (alk. paper) 0078034671


Bank management--United States.
Banks and banking, International.

HG181 / .R65 2013

332.1068 / ROB 2013